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Know Your Artist

KNOW YOUR ARTIST!   Not knowing each artist; their life, biography and history also why they get to create art in this form and technique. Are you feeling cluttered with all artists and galleries that makes it very hard on you to choose which artist to invest in and what kind of art to buy. How do you get provided […]
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Our Top 7 Tips for Emerging Art Collectors

Our Top 7 Tips for Emerging Art Collectors Starting out as an art collector, it can seem like there is insurmountable and uncertain terrain to navigate ahead of you. You see those who have found success, and you wonder, “How can I ever reach that level?” Just remember that all established collectors had to start somewhere. The key is to […]
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3 Trending Art Styles.

AbstractLet’s begin with the trickiest! If you’re a literal person, abstract paintings are oftenhard to get your head around because they don’t depict anything real – not a person,not a place, not a thing. To achieve its effect, artists paint colors, shapes, forms andgestural marks such as a stroke of paint or even a seemingly random splash.According to Tate, the word abstract […]
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Importance of Art

Importance of art
Opinion: 7 Reasons Why Art is Important Importance of art and How people appreciate art in different ways, whether it’s music, fashion, poetry, or even paintings ?. Courtesy of Pixabay Importance of art Humans have had a relationship with art, in one form or another, since time immemorial. From prehistoric cave drawings to ancient instruments, it is obvious that art […]
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