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Our Events & Exhibitions have a mission of bringing art much closer to people’s hearts and homes. This exhibition is your perfect chance to start collecting authentic Egyptian art and add excitement and beauty to your walls without having to blow your entire budget!
Each year we showcase a selection of upcoming and rising talents to highlight as the most promising upcoming Egyptian artists, and the ones to invest in today.
Our collection has a lot to offer in terms of new artists and new initiatives; continuing its mission of creating an unconventional space for all artists.
Art exhibitions are a great way to showcase your talent as an artist. Learn why they’re important for both viewers and artists.
Want to make it big as an artist? Creating artwork after artwork isn’t enough. You also have to make the world see it, comment on it, and admire it. And one of the best media for that is an art exhibition. With today’s advanced technology and software, you can even broadcast your art online.
Let’s have a look at why art exhibitions are important for a viewer and an artist.
Communicate with the World
For an artist, an exhibition is a way to communicate with the world. Artists tend to channel their inexplicable, complex emotions into their greatest pieces. And through an exhibition, those emotions can now be communicated to the world. At times these arts play a pivotal role in highlighting some of the injustices prevalent in our world. Otherwise, they’re best to show complicated thoughts via a canvas. Either way, an exhibition is the best way to communicate to an interested audience.
Curate a Personality
Artists across the world follow some schools of thought and have taken inspiration from their predecessors. But every single creator still has a unique style that they bring to the table. During an exhibition, you, as an artist, are given a chance to not just show one painting but a series of artworks. When the audience sees your work in totality, they draw similarities and learn different themes that are consistent in your pieces.
These commonalities and consistencies create your persona as an artist. You will now be recognized as one of the greats in that genre.
Get Inspired
This goes out to the viewer and the viewed — the audience and the artist. An art exhibition is your chance to get inspired. You get exposed to different artists’ works and see their thought processes. You are exposed to new perspectives and are given the opportunity to view the world like never before. This provides inspiration to do something revolutionary. If nothing, it gives you a chance to appreciate those who have thought this way and makes you want to think about the universe and its evolution from a new perspective.