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Sara Saad

An analog collage artist based in Alexandria, that aspires to create bolder, fresher, and louder work every day. According to Sara she found in collage the thrill of creating something so unconventional, that doesn’t have to make sense but would make the regular viewer slip a giggle or a shocked expression as “I try to create dynamic movement with flat magazine pages, photographs, and fabric scraps. My work represents all that I love: experimenting, working with unexpected concepts, and not having to make any sense of what I am making”. After all, we are born to experience life not to understand it.

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      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $196 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $140 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 1

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $67 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 1

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $280 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 2

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $67 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 3

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $196 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 3

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $67 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 4

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $67 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 4

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $140 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 5

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $67 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 5

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $140 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 6

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $67 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 6

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $140 inc. VAT Add to basket
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      untitled 7

      by Sara Saad

      collage on paper


      $196 inc. VAT Add to basket